Krisha Canlas

Project Manager
24 Business Articles

Chamber of Mines DRC : Spotlight

Plumbing the depths of a flourishing mining industry in the Democratic Republic of Congo as a global leader in green mineral resources.

Malawi Investment and Trade Centre (MITC) : Spotlight

A land of untapped opportunity, we peel back the layers on the investment potential of the ‘Warm Heart of Africa’.

Botswana Investment and Trade Centre (BITC) : Spotlight

An overview of Botswana’s industries and the state of the financial sector as it pursues continued economic growth.

West African Health Organisation (WAHO) : Spotlight

Exploring a borderless future for the health sector in West Africa in the wake of COVID-19.

Kenya Bankers Association : Spotlight

We speak with Habil Olaka, CEO of the Kenya Bankers Association as the pioneering association to champion an innovative and inclusive banking sector in Kenya

Kenya Flower Council : Spotlight

A major industrial force, Kenya feeds the world’s supply of fresh flowers. We delve into the auspicious growth of this vibrant sector.

Lesotho Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) : Spotlight

In line with its socio-economic development, Lesotho is catalysing a conducive business environment. We discover more about industry in the country.

Middle East Solar Industry Association (MESIA) : Spotlight

We talk to the Middle East Solar Industry Association (MESIA) about the growth of renewable energy across the Middle East and Northern Africa, and the increasing exploitation of solar power. 

Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KNCII) : Spotlight

An overview of Kenya’s industries and the state of the economy as it pursues recovery and sustainability in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Eswatini Investment and Trade Promotion Authority (EIPA) : Spotlight

Unveiling Eswatini as a nexus of trade and investment in pursuit of diversification on the global commerce landscape.